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Search results

  1. S

    Open Carry Primer for Texans (and other cool people)

  2. S

    Get-Home Bag Gun with Specific Length

    If this is the wrong section, feel free to educate me on the proper section and move/delete the thread as necessary. I have a get-home bag already that was given to me as a gift (of course with no brand or labels), and I really like it. I'd like to add a shootin' iron to it, and I'm really...
  3. S

    Open Carry Saves Concealed Carry

    Now, several tons of people have said that open carry is stupid. They invariably say that they prefer to conceal their guns. "You'll get shot first," "You'll turn people away from guns," "I still wet the bed." Various things. What they don't seem to realize is that, if everybody in the nation...
  4. S

    Have you ever been SO anti-gun ...

    ... that you made an employee take off a "No Parking Between Signs" sign, stick a No Guns "Excluding Law Enforcement" sign on the back, and put it back up? Ladies and gents, you see the work of my town mayor at my place of employment, a local utilities branch. He's a little miffed that I open...
  5. S

    Anti-gun Employer

    I open carry. (duh) I even open carry at my bank, which is a private business with no policy regarding firearms. I have been doing so since I received my carry permit in February of 2013. The bank manager and I are cool, I'm super nice to all the tellers, and I have a recording of the manager...
  6. S

    Carry-Friendly Sightseeing in Chattanooga

    I live in a small town near Chattanooga, but I have almost zero interest in going to large cities when my needs for food and work are satisfied in my small town. However, I have a friend flying in and would like to take her sightseeing. I'm fairly certain the aquarium and zoo are posted, but...
  7. S

    Active Response in Schools

    As I wrote this for my school newspaper, I highly doubt it will be published. So I may as well share it here and let some people read it. Heavily influenced by straightforwardinacrookedworld.blogspot.com
  8. S

    Anybody Rocking An FNX45 Tactical

    My distaste of naming anything "tactical" aside, I've spent the past couple years staring at photos of this gun (and its precursor, the FNP) and was decidedly tickled when my Shooter's Depot told me it could be mine for a good deal. So does anybody here have experience with them? I've never...
  9. S

    Charles CW Cooke: Voter ID and Gun Rights

    I definitely found this interesting: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/371256/voter-id-and-gun-rights-charles-c-w-cooke FUQ:
  10. S

    First Carry-Nooga Meetup, 2/22

    Hi, all. This is going to be our first meetup, and we'd like to make it a good one. Invite your friends, bring your family, carry if you want and don't if you don't. If you DO carry, be sure it's a properly holstered handgun and that it remains holstered unless a need arises to use it. We...
  11. S

    Drop Leg PLUS Hip Holster?

    Request deletion; found answer in my own earlier posts
  12. S

    Make your own,

    That's my current belt configuration. Pretty cheap to do, used about $15 worth of materials. Sans knives, for now.
  13. S

    Constitutional Carry filed in Tennessee

    At least, by my reading. TN House Bill 1885 http://legiscan.com/TN/bill/HB1885/2013 Find your legislator here: http://www.capitol.tn.gov/house/members/
  14. S

    Temporary Suspension of No-Gun Policy

    The Hyatt hotel hosting the Kansas Republican Convention has temporarily suspended the no-gun Policy for the duration of the convention. So why not other places? Why can't 20 open carriers buy movie tickets online and ask for refunds when presented with the no-guns sign? And then, as a...
  15. S

    Movie theaters and such in Mt. Juliet

    Hi all, I plan to take a trip up Mt. Juliet this Friday and was wondering if anybody could give me a little lay of the land, as I will be with female companion and would like to avoid all possible embarrassment. Thanks in advance.
  16. S

    The Second Amendment is NOT UNLIMITED ... why?

    The Second Amendment Isn't Unlimited .... why? More like, why not? http://theblogaboutguns.blogspot.com/2013/10/the-second-amendment-is-not-unlimited.html
  17. S

    Pro-Liberty (or at least neutral) Theaters near Chattanooga?

    It's finally happened; Carmike East Ridge 18 in Chattanooga, formerly my preferred theater, has posted signs on their doors stating some bull about the safety of the customers or whatever. So, are there any other theaters in the area of Chattanooga that are NEITHER Carmike NOR Regal? I can't...
  18. S

    What do you carry?

    Springfield XDm 4.5 9mm in a Safariland ALS 6378 paddle (that's in the car) Colt Desert Karambit Cheapo flashlight from a local Big Daddy's CRKT M16-14ZER One spare mag in the thigh pocket of my pants and three (or four) in my backpack, either in the car or under my desk at school* Gum...
  19. S

    Open Carry "Too Bad" Meme

    So, I was bored waiting for my next class, and decided to make this. Enjoy. Note: I made it as a .jpg but the board didn't like the large size. Happens all the time.
  20. S

    "You'll be the first one shot!" You're welcome.

    Recently, I got kind of frustrated with someone who disliked my preferred method of carry. He didn't accept it when I told him that the gun-control movement has been trying to separate gun owners (specifically the hunting crowd from the self-defense crowd) for years, and we couldn't really...