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Search results

  1. The Bosun

    Does anyone ever read this forum?

    I check this forum several times per month and am always interested in what others are sharing here. Would I like to see more activity? Of course. Still, I sometimes wonder if there's little for us to share here because open carrying has become a normal, uneventful experience for us all.
  2. The Bosun

    Dianne Feinstein dead at 90

    KM4JZJ Extra Class / WRPR990 - GMRS We should QSO sometime, Chief Ten Beers. WO2C Extra Class/WRXT547-GMRS
  3. The Bosun

    Open Carry Acceptance

    Greetings, All. While I frequently read this forum, seldom do I post or comment. Just to make use of my membership here, I thought I should do so by sharing my open carry experiences here in southwestern Pennsylvania. I carry daily and--though, I conceal carry when I deem it prudent to do...
  4. The Bosun

    tis been a good and enjoyable run...

    Though I seldom post here, I check opencarry.org daily and enjoy reading differing opinions. I'm sorry to see anyone go.
  5. The Bosun

    well a quandary...

    I'd have no issue respecting any radio club's policies--after all, I always have the option of simply not attending. Yet, I'll always question the false perception that I'm somehow made a better person by concealing my firearm. 73 de WO2C.
  6. The Bosun

    Introduction & Thanks

    What remains an enigma is why those relocating from blue states to red continue to spread the plague by voting for those of the same ilk from which they've just escaped.
  7. The Bosun

    Introduction & Thanks

    If I might somehow remove Philadelphia from the rest of the Commonwealth and transfer ownership to any state foolish enough to accept it, I would do so (they, along with Pittsburgh, are responsible for the Blue Plague from which we must constantly shield our liberties). As it is, one can open...
  8. The Bosun

    Introduction & Thanks

    And we darn well like it that way.
  9. The Bosun

    Introduction & Thanks

    Hello, MSG. GM was an attractive rate back in the day (I graduated from Boot Camp in '81). As for OC, I haven't had anything more than perhaps a few raised eyebrows on occasion. No real issues, at all.
  10. The Bosun

    Introduction & Thanks

    Thank you, Golddigger.
  11. The Bosun

    Introduction & Thanks

    Thank you, Logan. And you're right--different missions, yet one team/one fight. Happy New Year to all.
  12. The Bosun

    Introduction & Thanks

    I envy you, Doug. I've sailed the Great Lakes more than a few times, love traveling the area and find the region's maritime history intriguing. As for MCPOCG Thiele, I served during his watch and remember him well. May he rest in peace. As for a ferry boat rescue, I pray you & yours never...
  13. The Bosun

    Introduction & Thanks

    Hello, Doug and thank you for the welcome. Before we devolve into the the Navy/Coast Guard jokes, please, allow me to sincerely thank you for your service, sir. I can't fathom (pun intended) how anyone tolerates serving aboard submarines but you do have my respect for having done so. No doubt...
  14. The Bosun

    Introduction & Thanks

    Thank you, 24all. I've read of some of the restrictions now in place in Virginia. I can't say any of them make sense to me at all. (I've tried arguing--as I'm certain many of us have--that restrictive firearms laws accomplish nothing except placing additional burdens on the law-abiding. 'Might...
  15. The Bosun

    Introduction & Thanks

    Thank you, KBCraig. As a Canadian-American, I can just imagine some of the curiosity. Based on the attitudes of some of my Canadian (and liberal) family members, I think you're getting off lightly if the worst they call you is a "hillbilly". As for Massachusetts, well--what can any of us say...
  16. The Bosun

    Introduction & Thanks

    Thank you, CoL. Your comments throughout the forums have been among those I've enjoyed. I'm certain to have as many questions as I may possible answers and will value intelligent replies. For now, I can share only that I've been open carrying for nearly four months and have had the following...
  17. The Bosun

    Introduction & Thanks

    Greetings, all, and thank you to the moderators for allowing me to join this forum. I've posted a similarly worded introduction on the Pennsylvania Firearms Owners Association (PAFOA) website, so please, forgive the near-duplication. I've spent several months reading posts throughout the...