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Open Carrier Has Gun Snatched At Convenience Store

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Though article is dated 2/20/2021, it is an old story AND it is FAKE.

Supposedly open carry is more accepted, but here is "Concealed Nation" still promoting this crap.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
where the devil did the 'extended' mag come from shown as the hooligan left the shop?

ah...Daily Mail to the rescue...
  • Detroit police say they have arrested man wanted in January 28 gas station theft
  • Video footage shows man in red hooded sweatshirt stealing gun from shopper
  • Shopper, 53, was licensed to carry a concealed firearm, according to police
  • Suspect seen grabbing gun from shopper's pocket before aiming different gun
  • Armed suspect then flees the gas station with help from accomplice nearby
  • Last week, police asked public for help in identifying suspect from the video
  • But officers realized they arrested suspect in connection with separate crime
  • Marcus Brown was charged in non-fatal shooting of man, 19, on January 27

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Campaign Veteran
Jan 13, 2007
El Paso, TX (formerly Colorado Springs, CO)
I think I recall that incident, and yes it WAS quite a while ago. Plus, if it WAS a legit incident, the guy wasn't "OCing" PROPERLY, as a gun sticking out of a BACK POCKET (and not even in sight of the OCer) is just plain stupid. So I don't consider that guy as your typical OCer -- he doesn't AT ALL represent OCing, and therefore not any "evidence" that OCing is a "poor way" to carry. Further, they would consider this incident as "proof" OCing of that.
Personally, my handgun ("Plan A" for personal self-defense) is OCed "cross-draw" very close to my belt-buckle so it's right in front of me (and in-sight!), AND the OWB (polymer) holster has Level II retention. PLUS, I have an EDC knife (one-handed/instantly deployable, usually "Plan B") to "repel boarders" should a gun-grab be attempted (as all OCers should plan for). In THAT case, the knife becomes "Plan A."
As for Concealed Nation, I DO visit it regularly as the criminal/assailant encounters presented there could happen to ALL/ANY of us -- CCers and OCers alike -- but the "red shirt guy" AND Concealed Nation itself is not "OC friendly," if you will (but they do "tolerate" at least ONE OCer there who posts regularly).
Again though, it just points to the FUTILITY of trying to educate OCCers, as they continue to dismiss OCing and only see it as something NOT to do.
-- C
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color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
@ color of law:
I hope you know I wasn't criticizing any member's post here, just the guy "OCing" in this particular incident...and of course, the CCer's who routinely (and automatically) criticize OCing. :)
-- C
Really? Trying to online shame me just because I open carried with a 30 round mag many many years ago. Cancel culture is against the rules. Take it back. :cry:----------------:D


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
I was worried about Big Bird laying an egg. Do you know how big that Omelet would be and could feed? Let's count......

hadn't thought about that aspect...notify tx gov you got an idea to help feed the lonestar masses...
darn, no electricity nor fuel oil nor water for the cooks to wash their hands...

oh my goodness, an after thought...if texans haven't regularly washed their hands...another virus outbreak site.