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Concealed Carry Louisville Meetup


Regular Member
Nov 15, 2017
Louisville KY
Yes. I know this is the OPENCARRY site but want to let every one know about the group.

The Concealed Carry Louisville Meetup is scheduled for January 10, 2018, starting at 6:00 PM. Highlight is that we will have an instructor from the DOJTC at EKU who teaches law to police recruits. She is an expert and I have asked her to talk about where you can NOT carry OC or CC. I want to encourage all you all to go to our Meetup Page for complete details and to register for the upcoming meetup. Additionally, if any of you are on Twitter you can follow @concealcarrylou.

Look forward to seeing you good folks.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
forgive this observation, but...

why on this green earth would those KY citizens who already have their concealed permits, via appropriate instruction as outlined in KY 237.110 covering:

(i) 4: Include information on and a copy of laws relating to possession and carrying of firearms, as set forth in KRS Chapters 237 and 527, and the laws relating to the use of force, as set forth in KRS Chapter 503; and
(j) Demonstrates knowledge of the law regarding the justifiable use of force by including with the application a copy of the concealed carry deadly weapons legal handout made available by the Department of Criminal Justice Training and a signed statement that indicates that applicant has read and understands the handout. http://www.lrc.ky.gov/Statutes/statute.aspx?id=47039

want or need further instruction on KY's statutes, especially from a nice LE at that?

how bout just have a group gathering of like minded citizens and leave it at that!
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color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
forgive this observation, but...

why on this green earth would those KY citizens who already have their concealed permits, via appropriate instruction as outlined in KY 237.110 covering:

(i) 4: Include information on and a copy of laws relating to possession and carrying of firearms, as set forth in KRS Chapters 237 and 527, and the laws relating to the use of force, as set forth in KRS Chapter 503; and
(j) Demonstrates knowledge of the law regarding the justifiable use of force by including with the application a copy of the concealed carry deadly weapons legal handout made available by the Department of Criminal Justice Training and a signed statement that indicates that applicant has read and understands the handout. http://www.lrc.ky.gov/Statutes/statute.aspx?id=47039

want or need further instruction on KY's statutes, especially from a nice LE at that?

how bout just have a group gathering of like minded citizens and leave it at that!
Hence, my statement.

gutshot II

Regular Member
Jul 1, 2017
Central Ky.
forgive this observation, but...

why on this green earth would those KY citizens who already have their concealed permits, via appropriate instruction as outlined in KY 237.110 covering:

(i) 4: Include information on and a copy of laws relating to possession and carrying of firearms, as set forth in KRS Chapters 237 and 527, and the laws relating to the use of force, as set forth in KRS Chapter 503; and
(j) Demonstrates knowledge of the law regarding the justifiable use of force by including with the application a copy of the concealed carry deadly weapons legal handout made available by the Department of Criminal Justice Training and a signed statement that indicates that applicant has read and understands the handout. http://www.lrc.ky.gov/Statutes/statute.aspx?id=47039

want or need further instruction on KY's statutes, especially from a nice LE at that?

how bout just have a group gathering of like minded citizens and leave it at that!

1. I don't see anything in the OP that suggests that the guest speaker is LE. The Op says that she is an "instructor from the Department of Criminal Justice Training At Eastern Ky. University" and that she teaches law to police recruits. Doesn't sound like LE to me.

2. Over time, concealed carry licensees, like most other people that have taken any type of training and instruction forget minor details of that instruction. A quick refresher is always a good idea. It has been over 20 years since I took my CCDW class.

3. Like most laws, the Ky. Concealed Carry law has been amended many times since it was originally passed back in 1996. It is difficult for most people to keep up with those changes. A quick refresher is always a good idea. It has been over 20 years since I took my CCDW class. Perhaps the speaker can be convinced to highlight the changes in the last 20+ years. Isn't that a big part of what we do here, discuss gun laws and hash out the misconceptions that people have and correct the misinformation that is out for public consumption, especially the misinformation published by the press.

Long ago, I gave up attempting to organize meetings for Ky. gun owners. After many people had committed to attending, there were too many "no shows". Many times I was left sitting all alone waiting for the crowd that never arrived. I gave up organizing but always said that if somebody else would organize them, I'd show up and I intend to be at this one.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
1. I don't see anything in the OP that suggests that the guest speaker is LE. The Op says that she is an "instructor from the Department of Criminal Justice Training At Eastern Ky. University" and that she teaches law to police recruits. Doesn't sound like LE to me.

2. Over time, concealed carry licensees, like most other people that have taken any type of training and instruction forget minor details of that instruction. A quick refresher is always a good idea. It has been over 20 years since I took my CCDW class.

3. Like most laws, the Ky. Concealed Carry law has been amended many times since it was originally passed back in 1996. It is difficult for most people to keep up with those changes. A quick refresher is always a good idea. It has been over 20 years since I took my CCDW class. Perhaps the speaker can be convinced to highlight the changes in the last 20+ years. Isn't that a big part of what we do here, discuss gun laws and hash out the misconceptions that people have and correct the misinformation that is out for public consumption, especially the misinformation published by the press.

Long ago, I gave up attempting to organize meetings for Ky. gun owners. After many people had committed to attending, there were too many "no shows". Many times I was left sitting all alone waiting for the crowd that never arrived. I gave up organizing but always said that if somebody else would organize them, I'd show up and I intend to be at this one.

Gutshot, et al., forgive my leap of faith at my presumption the gala’s presenter was a kind LE, as you are absolutely correct in your commentary that a lecturer, not a kind LE, could be teaching eku’s PLS 216, criminal law course, taught to those eager students seeking a undergraduate degree in criminal justice!

Further I am sure this lecturer probably has extensive knowledge in those subject matter areas of where to/not to carry firearms, however, now the caveat ~ this teaching at an undergrad level makes a lecturer an expert - how - in these subject areas?

(sidebar- PLS216: criminal law, The nature of the criminal act; the essential elements; theories of responsibility; exculpatory matters; overview of common law offenses; identifcation of trends in the law.)

additionally, one thing i believe we both agree on is our perspective of ‘hashing’ out concepts, judicial, moral, as well as reality, as it pertains to a myriad of subjects, on this nationally recognized forum to assure correct & viable information is presented ~ which we are doing at the moment, isn’t it!

sounds like a unique opportunity to finesse my own personal knowledge of KY’s firearm laws...10th at 1800L ~ TTFN !

added...oh, wait, according to the meeting’s posting, attendees can’t have loaded firearms during the meet & greet but rest assured while you are learning about the ky CC carry statutes, there will be unknown facility staff carrying their firearms to protect everyone...nawlll you know in retrospect, i don’t think this is an event i wish to attend!

quote: [FONT=&quot]Company rules are that you can not have a loaded weapon in the room. I don't think we have much to fear as all the staff carry a firearm. You can bring your weapon in for range time but please bring it in unloaded.[/FONT]
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Firearms Iinstuctor

Regular Member
Jul 12, 2011
northern wis
Long ago, I gave up attempting to organize meetings for Ky. gun owners. After many people had committed to attending, there were too many "no shows".

I know the feeling after organizing free CCW classes for Wis. carry and having 1 in 20 show up. It just wasn't worth the effort.

Now down state they fill up rooms.

Just to many people up here fulfill the training requirements in different ways.

Brian D.

Regular Member
Jul 27, 2007
Cincy area, Ohio, USA
added...oh, wait, according to the meeting’s posting, attendees can’t have loaded firearms during the meet & greet but rest assured while you are learning about the ky CC carry statutes, there will be unknown facility staff carrying their firearms to protect everyone...nawlll you know in retrospect, i don’t think this is an event i wish to attend!

quote: [FONT=&quot]Company rules are that you can not have a loaded weapon in the room. I don't think we have much to fear as all the staff carry a firearm. You can bring your weapon in for range time but please bring it in unloaded.[/FONT]

Solus, you make an interesting point here. Sounds like the event is being held at a gun store/range? Perhaps they are using a classroom where firearms safety classes are usually held, and ammo is pretty much forbidden during those times?

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
"Location visible to members" Another secrete organization. Based on solus's research, no guns at the meeting/get to gather. If true why would I go? I wouldn't. I don't go to gun get to gathers that don't allow guns because it isn't a gun get to gather. Yes, I can understand a request for not having one chambered and such firearm holstered.

There were a number of Tea Party events I would not attend because they would hold them at a gun free zone. Of course I realized early on that constitutional loving Tea Party goers were NOT constitutional lovers at all. But, I digress.

I agree with gutshot II and others that most of these types of get to gathers usually fizzle out, I give it a year.

I have been to a number of these types of meetings featuring experts; finding that the so called expert interweaves their personal biases into their presentation. Not good, especially when challenged and shown to be wrong, but won't concede.

I wish the group luck in their endeavors.

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Solus, you make an interesting point here. Sounds like the event is being held at a gun store/range? Perhaps they are using a classroom where firearms safety classes are usually held, and ammo is pretty much forbidden during those times?
This may be true, but you have to join to find out.


Regular Member
Nov 15, 2017
Louisville KY
Solus, you make an interesting point here. Sounds like the event is being held at a gun store/range? Perhaps they are using a classroom where firearms safety classes are usually held, and ammo is pretty much forbidden during those times?

Exactly. This first one is going to be at Point Blank Range and Gunshop. They have a room we can use at no cost. Over time I expect to have the meetups at places where we can just sit around and chat over some victuals. So tell me those Richmond OC meetings, what restaurants are you using?

OC as well as CC are welcome.



Regular Member
Nov 15, 2017
Louisville KY
"Location visible to members" Another secrete organization. Based on solus's research, no guns at the meeting/get to gather. If true why would I go? I wouldn't. I don't go to gun get to gathers that don't allow guns because it isn't a gun get to gather. Yes, I can understand a request for not having one chambered and such firearm holstered.

There were a number of Tea Party events I would not attend because they would hold them at a gun free zone. Of course I realized early on that constitutional loving Tea Party goers were NOT constitutional lovers at all. But, I digress.

I agree with gutshot II and others that most of these types of get to gathers usually fizzle out, I give it a year.

I have been to a number of these types of meetings featuring experts; finding that the so called expert interweaves their personal biases into their presentation. Not good, especially when challenged and shown to be wrong, but won't concede.

I wish the group luck in their endeavors.

Not a secret organization. Guns are ok at the meetings and encouraged. We are meeting at a gun range in their class room and loaded weapons are not allowed in the class room. I go into different gun shops here that have different rules... not allowed to unholster a weapon... no loaded weapons... must have weapon cleared by clerk. You can go to Meetup DOT com and find it by searching for concealed carry... or cut and paste this link:
and you can join the Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2058379577727447/

I appreciate your good wishes.

I see posts about OC meals - breakfasts/dinners. What restaurants do you use for them? I would like to do that as well.


gutshot II

Regular Member
Jul 1, 2017
Central Ky.
Gutshot, et al., forgive my leap of faith at my presumption the gala’s presenter was a kind LE, as you are absolutely correct in your commentary that a lecturer, not a kind LE, could be teaching eku’s PLS 216, criminal law course, taught to those eager students seeking a undergraduate degree in criminal justice!

Further I am sure this lecturer probably has extensive knowledge in those subject matter areas of where to/not to carry firearms, however, now the caveat ~ this teaching at an undergrad level makes a lecturer an expert - how - in these subject areas?

(sidebar- PLS216: criminal law, The nature of the criminal act; the essential elements; theories of responsibility; exculpatory matters; overview of common law offenses; identifcation of trends in the law.)

additionally, one thing i believe we both agree on is our perspective of ‘hashing’ out concepts, judicial, moral, as well as reality, as it pertains to a myriad of subjects, on this nationally recognized forum to assure correct & viable information is presented ~ which we are doing at the moment, isn’t it!

sounds like a unique opportunity to finesse my own personal knowledge of KY’s firearm laws...10th at 1800L ~ TTFN !

added...oh, wait, according to the meeting’s posting, attendees can’t have loaded firearms during the meet & greet but rest assured while you are learning about the ky CC carry statutes, there will be unknown facility staff carrying their firearms to protect everyone...nawlll you know in retrospect, i don’t think this is an event i wish to attend!

quote: [FONT=&quot]Company rules are that you can not have a loaded weapon in the room. I don't think we have much to fear as all the staff carry a firearm. You can bring your weapon in for range time but please bring it in unloaded.[/FONT]

In my estimation, a person becomes an "expert" when others think enough of their "expert" opinion to ask for that opinion on a subject or to invite them to speak to a group that wants to hear what they have to say. How many such invitations have you received? It is not too difficult to become an "expert" on the subject of where you can not carry a gun in KY, it is a very short list. I would imagine this lady qualifies. You are right that she does not teach a course on where you can not carry in Ky. but in my mind that does not disqualify her. If I knew a person that taught calculus, I would assume that they were an "expert" at addition and subtraction. A college level course on that subject would be very short course, indeed.

I know this venue quite well. I have shot there several times. I even posted about it here on OCDO when they first opened. There are no loaded guns allowed to customers anywhere in the building, except on the firing line of the range. This is SAP for most gun ranges and I am thankful for it. It will absolutely be the SAP for any range where I shoot. I have seen too many range shooters and gun show customers using dangerous handling practices to want anything else. People bring children, girl friends, wives, next door neighbors etc. into these places. Many of them have never had a gun in their hands in their lives. And yes, the store employees are all armed to protect us from the bogger man. I don't feel that my life will be endangered while I listen to the presentation of the "expert". If Middletown, Ky. is invaded by zombies or ISIS we should have enough armed people to fight them off, so there is no reason for you to be afraid to attend.

I am glad to hear that you have decided not to attend. I have committed to be there and I'd hate to be a "no show".


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
i am soooo glad gutshot you feel sufficiently safe to abrogate your personal firearm while visiting the range while employees carry their loaded firearms around you.

i presume a customer’s family whose main bread winner who was entering a shooting range in cypress tx this morning and was shot and later died after a young range employee who was cleaning a rifle inside the facility which ‘accidentally’ discharged, & shot him outside!

as for attending, sorry gutshot you would never know this gentleman was in attendance!
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May 1, 2016
Just for the discussion aspect but every one seems to be concerned about the expert.

Few seem to realize that the true definition of an expert is someone who knows more and more about less and less until they end up knowing everything about nothing.

Side note-- I have seen a few real experts around here. And those were not being discussed for their presentations somewhere.


gutshot II

Regular Member
Jul 1, 2017
Central Ky.
i am soooo glad gutshot you feel sufficiently safe to abrogate your personal firearm while visiting the range while employees carry their loaded firearms around you.

i presume a customer’s family whose main bread winner who was entering a shooting range in cypress tx this morning and was shot and later died after a young range employee who was cleaning a rifle inside the facility which ‘accidentally’ discharged, & shot him outside!

as for attending, sorry gutshot you would never know this gentleman was in attendance!

If that bullet from Cypress, Tx. should fly all the way to Ky. and kill me, you could be right. Otherwise, I will make my own self defense choices, thank you very much. Sorry if you don't approve.

I certainly would know if you were attending. The list of people signed up is listed on the website for all to see ("all" registered attendees, that is). I will keep an eye out for you. Besides, you would never risk life and limb in such a dangerous place. Fear would prevent you from entering without your ever present security blanket. After all, this is not NC and Louisville Metro is the 11th most dangerous place in the USA. Be wary, be very wary. It is in a very dangerous neighborhood.

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
...I know this venue quite well. I have shot there several times. I even posted about it here on OCDO when they first opened. There are no loaded guns allowed to customers anywhere in the building, except on the firing line of the range. This is SAP for most gun ranges and I am thankful for it....
I open carry a loaded gun in Point Blank on a regular basis here in Ohio.

Brian D.

Regular Member
Jul 27, 2007
Cincy area, Ohio, USA
I open carry a loaded gun in Point Blank on a regular basis here in Ohio.

Yes, the three around greater Cincinnati all allow open or concealed carry in the store as well as range. Sign on the front door to that effect. Any other guns brought in (for service, trade in, etc.) must be in a case, and of course unloaded. I have never been there when one of the classrooms was in use though, that area might be different.

Several of the Point Blank locations are franchises so it doesn't surprise me the rules might vary a bit.


Regular Member
Nov 15, 2017
Louisville KY
Gutshot, et al., forgive my leap of faith at my presumption the gala’s presenter was a kind LE, as you are absolutely correct in your commentary that a lecturer, not a kind LE, could be teaching eku’s PLS 216, criminal law course, taught to those eager students seeking a undergraduate degree in criminal justice!

Further I am sure this lecturer probably has extensive knowledge in those subject matter areas of where to/not to carry firearms, however, now the caveat ~ this teaching at an undergrad level makes a lecturer an expert - how - in these subject areas?

(sidebar- PLS216: criminal law, The nature of the criminal act; the essential elements; theories of responsibility; exculpatory matters; overview of common law offenses; identifcation of trends in the law.)

additionally, one thing i believe we both agree on is our perspective of ‘hashing’ out concepts, judicial, moral, as well as reality, as it pertains to a myriad of subjects, on this nationally recognized forum to assure correct & viable information is presented ~ which we are doing at the moment, isn’t it!

sounds like a unique opportunity to finesse my own personal knowledge of KY’s firearm laws...10th at 1800L ~ TTFN !

added...oh, wait, according to the meeting’s posting, attendees can’t have loaded firearms during the meet & greet but rest assured while you are learning about the ky CC carry statutes, there will be unknown facility staff carrying their firearms to protect everyone...nawlll you know in retrospect, i don’t think this is an event i wish to attend!

quote: [FONT=&quot]Company rules are that you can not have a loaded weapon in the room. I don't think we have much to fear as all the staff carry a firearm. You can bring your weapon in for range time but please bring it in unloaded.[/FONT]

She is a former Deputy Sheriff from Jefferson County. She's an attorney. She's the voice on the CCDW CD for when a student is unable to read the test, such as dyslexic, so they can take the test. And is much more than just an instructor of classes for LE. She's certified in SAR. And, yes she conceal carries. If you show up you'll enjoy it all.

And after you can open carry when we go get some victuals.



Regular Member
Nov 15, 2017
Louisville KY
Gutshot, et al., forgive my leap of faith at my presumption the gala’s presenter was a kind LE, as you are absolutely correct in your commentary that a lecturer, not a kind LE, could be teaching eku’s PLS 216, criminal law course, taught to those eager students seeking a undergraduate degree in criminal justice!

Further I am sure this lecturer probably has extensive knowledge in those subject matter areas of where to/not to carry firearms, however, now the caveat ~ this teaching at an undergrad level makes a lecturer an expert - how - in these subject areas?

(sidebar- PLS216: criminal law, The nature of the criminal act; the essential elements; theories of responsibility; exculpatory matters; overview of common law offenses; identifcation of trends in the law.)

additionally, one thing i believe we both agree on is our perspective of ‘hashing’ out concepts, judicial, moral, as well as reality, as it pertains to a myriad of subjects, on this nationally recognized forum to assure correct & viable information is presented ~ which we are doing at the moment, isn’t it!

sounds like a unique opportunity to finesse my own personal knowledge of KY’s firearm laws...10th at 1800L ~ TTFN !

added...oh, wait, according to the meeting’s posting, attendees can’t have loaded firearms during the meet & greet but rest assured while you are learning about the ky CC carry statutes, there will be unknown facility staff carrying their firearms to protect everyone...nawlll you know in retrospect, i don’t think this is an event i wish to attend!

quote: [FONT=&quot]Company rules are that you can not have a loaded weapon in the room. I don't think we have much to fear as all the staff carry a firearm. You can bring your weapon in for range time but please bring it in unloaded.[/FONT]

The guest presenter for the first meetup is an instructor with the Dept of Justice Training Center for KY, former deputy sheriff with JCSD, is the Jefferson County SAR coordinator, is an attorney, is the voice on the CCDW CD for those who are dyslexic or other wise can not read the test so they can take it, and a CCDW licensee. She’ll know those slight changes that have happened over time. It should be worth your while to come to the meetup.

I will check again with PBRG on carrying holstered weapons. In our conversation I was told you could not have a loaded firearm in the classroom. Just like when I took my CCDW Class at another location. No Loaded Weapons In The Class. I'm guessing there aren't any instructors who want a room full of CCDW students with loaded weapons.
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