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Older case finally correctly termed self-defense

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
I like the decision to NOT Prosecute. I don't like that instead of saying the homeowner was JUSTIFIED the prosecutor said that he didn't think he could prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the home owner violated the law!
From the article:
The Knox County District Attorney has reviewed this matter and said “Had this case gone to trial, the evidence would have raised issues related to self-defense and defense of premises. The standard of proof in criminal cases is proof beyond a reasonable doubt, and I do not believe that we can meet that burden in this case.”
This is what the problem is, prosecutors don't care about justice. They only care about convictions. Can I convict this guy? It is irrelevant that the resident was justified in self defence. What is relevant is if there are some fabricated facts that can be twisted to support a successful prosecution.

Most prosecutors have Nifong disorder.


Regular Member
Mar 3, 2013
From the article:
This is what the problem is, prosecutors don't care about justice. They only care about convictions. Can I convict this guy? It is irrelevant that the resident was justified in self defence. What is relevant is if there are some fabricated facts that can be twisted to support a successful prosecution.

Most prosecutors have Nifong disorder.


If all the over zealous Nifongs in the country were disbarred and possibly sued and or arrested under color of law violations, the justice system would be held at a higher ethical bar..

My .02