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NoVA (Northern Virginia) - OC reports


Activist Member
Jul 2, 2010
Alexandria, VA at www.NoVA-MDSelfDefense.com
Out and about in NoVA again today, stopped in at Potomac Paint and RiteAid while OCing my 9mm. No :eek:, comments. fainting women or stampeding horses.

All of this talk about "Yankees" is getting somewhat overblown regarding reactions to OCd firearms. I have yet to run into an "anti" or a LEO that displayed any kind of concern. What we have to worry about most "up here" are the liberal politicians and the progressives who vote for them. The only thing that will fix that is for Pro2A voters to get off their arses and actually get out and vote for a candidate that actually has a chance of winning.


Regular Member
Aug 8, 2013
Leesburg VA
I went to lunch today at Solo Pizza in Leesburg. It used to be Pizzarella but it's under new management. I had on my usual CZ P-07.

When the waitress brought out my check she mentioned my discount. I asked what discount. She asked if I worked for the county. I told her I didn't. She said I looked like someone who did. We both shrugged and I got to keep the discount.

I think she saw my flight coat and the pistol and figured I was a cop. I'm not and never even implied I was. I did talk to a cop on the way over. I asked why he had a Charger and another deputy in the complex had a Crown Vic. If it was a rank or seniority thing. He didn't know either. I did pet his dog, though. The dog was not a cop. ;)


Mar 8, 2018
Out and about in NoVA again today, stopped in at Potomac Paint and RiteAid while OCing my 9mm. No :eek:, comments. fainting women or stampeding horses.

All of this talk about "Yankees" is getting somewhat overblown regarding reactions to OCd firearms. I have yet to run into an "anti" or a LEO that displayed any kind of concern. What we have to worry about most "up here" are the liberal politicians and the progressives who vote for them. The only thing that will fix that is for Pro2A voters to get off their arses and actually get out and vote for a candidate that actually has a chance of winning.

NOVA is fairy good place to OC, people handle it good, police dont hassle or annoy you, i lived all over nova and southern VA, and i get treated equally in both areas


Regular Member
Mar 6, 2013
Virginia Beach, Va.
Winchester Va

While returning from visiting family in Michigan we stopped and spent last Friday night (11 May) at the Courtyard Marriott (Winchester medical center). No notice/reaction to my OC firearm that night or the next morning nor at the nearby IHOP where we charged ourselves up before hitting the road.


Regular Member
Jul 29, 2007
Greene County
I don't make it up to NoVA too often but had to be there yesterday.

Wawa- Bristow/Gainseville (rt29)
Trader Joe's- Centreville
Walmart -Dulles
and parking area/curbside at Dulles Airport


Founder's Club Member
Jun 15, 2006
Bryan, TX
Hey Jason! Good to see you.

I OC much less in summer, primarily because aside from jeans (way too hot) there is no good way.

I'd like to think OC has become less noteworthy, but I suspect we're facing the "silent majority" syndrome.


Regular Member
Mar 21, 2007
Centreville, Virginia, USA
I've pretty much stopped OC'ing over the last five months. Haven't posted here in years. Should there be anyone on here in the Catoctin district of Loudoun, could use some assistance on facebook in the Catoctin Second Amendment Sanctuary group. Trying to organize and in an ironic twist of events a prima donna booted me from the Loudoun County 2nd amendement group this is my only route to reach a broader group.

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
I've pretty much stopped OC'ing over the last five months. Haven't posted here in years. Should there be anyone on here in the Catoctin district of Loudoun, could use some assistance on facebook in the Catoctin Second Amendment Sanctuary group. Trying to organize and in an ironic twist of events a prima donna booted me from the Loudoun County 2nd amendement group this is my only route to reach a broader group.
Is this what you are referring to?


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
I've pretty much stopped OC'ing over the last five months. Haven't posted here in years. Should there be anyone on here in the Catoctin district of Loudoun, could use some assistance on facebook in the Catoctin Second Amendment Sanctuary group. Trying to organize and in an ironic twist of events a prima donna booted me from the Loudoun County 2nd amendement group this is my only route to reach a broader group.

oh ya, bohdi, I can see one errant member, out of a group of 2.3k members, being kicked out for doing their own thing ~ don't you hate being a rebellious soul not being accepted for rowing the canoe the wrong way up the group's creek !

tho from your post, there seems there was actually a prima donna in the FB group as you begin your new quest [whatever that is?] on the nation's premier OC forum site !


Accomplished Advocate
Feb 12, 2009
Northern Piedmont
I don't make it up to NoVA too often but had to be there yesterday.

Wawa- Bristow/Gainseville (rt29)
Trader Joe's- Centreville
Walmart -Dulles
and parking area/curbside at Dulles Airport

Next time, let me know - I'll buy lunch at Mission BBQ in Gainesville!


Regular Member
Mar 3, 2013
Suffolk VA
Been to Gourmeltz in Fredericksburg a few times for meetups with friends, had a few good conversations about my purty 1911.

Not even a funny look from anyone.